01 02 03 lover of the light: Chasers of the light: Ilka 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Chasers of the light: Ilka


Trust the timing. The Universe has its unique ways of showing us what's the right thing for us to do at the moment. We rush, there's no doubt in that, we rush everything like there's some grand prize waiting for us at the end of the road. We all heard that quote ''It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.'' and still we forget how true and simple that actually is. We forget to stick to that. What happens when things don't work out the way we want them to? Do we stop? Do we quit? Or do we smile, accept and learn how to play the game. Because it is all that, a game, a dance, a life, whatever you wanna call it, a majestic process that's unraveling in front of us and we're here to enjoy every step of the way. Sometimes we feel stuck, like no matter how much effort we put into something, things still don't work out the way we want them to, like we are not giving enough and because of that we get hard on ourselves. But we shouldn't do that. Everybody has bad days, it's not a bad life. Everybody has ups and downs, it's that downs who determinate how well you adjust to the game. Remember to always do the best that you can accordingly to the situation. You didn't get into college, that's okay, the Universe has something much better for you, just don't lose your hope and will to try something else. You didn't find a job after you graduated, that's perfectly fine, trust the timing and do your best. Search for another job, start a project you always wanted because now you have the time to commit yourself to something more challenging, but most importantly, your own. Your boyfriend of girlfriend left you, you win, this is maybe the Universe telling you that you need more time for yourself. Timing is everything and whatever the situation may be, remember to always do your best. If you're sick, rest, if you're hyped on creating, take your camera/ brush/ sewing machine and get on with it! Go with the flow. It knows. Sea of love, S.

On the post today, beautiful young lady : Ilka Elise B. check out her blog: Ilkaeliseb.com


Vjerujte u 'tajming'.  Svemir ima svoje posebne načine da nam pokaže koja je prava stvar za nas u određenom trenutku. Žurimo, nema sumnje u tome, žurimo sa svime kao da nas na kraju puta čeka nekakva velika nagrada. Svi smo čuli onaj citat 'Nije bit u odredištu nego u putu.'' a i dalje zaboravljamo kako istinito i jednostavno to zapravo jest. Zaboravljamo se toga držati. Što se dogodi kada stvari ne ispadnu onako kako želimo? Da stanemo? Da odustanemo? Ili da se nasmiješimo, prihvatimo i naučimo kako igrati igru. Jer i je to, igra, ples, život, kako god to želite nazvati, veličanstveni proces koji se razlaže pred nama i mi smo ovdje da bi uživali u svakom koraku puta. Ponekada se osjećamo kao da smo zapeli, kao da bez obzira koliko truda uložili u nešto, stvari se ne poslože onako kako smo htjeli, kao da ne dajemo dovoljno i zbog toga postanemo oštri prema sebi. Ali ne bi trebali to raditi. Svi imaju loše dane, nije loš život. Svi imaju uspone i padove, i ti padovi su oni koji određuju koliko se dobro prilagođavamo igri. Zapamtite da uvijek učinite najbolje što možete ovisno o situaciji. Niste upali na faks, to je okej, Svemir ima nešto puno bolje za vas, samo nemojte izgubiti nadu i volju za pokušati nešto drugo. Niste našli posao nakon što ste diplomirali, to je sasvim uredu, vjerujte u 'tajming' i dajte sve od sebe. Potražite novi posao, započnite projekt koji ste oduvijek željeli jer sada imate dovoljno vremena da se posvetite nečem izazovnijem, ali najvažnije, nečem vlastitom. Dečko ili cura su vas ostavili, vi pobjeđujete, možda je ovo način Svemira da vam kaže da trebate više vremena za sebe. 'Tajming' je sve i bez obzira koja situacija je u pitanju, zapamtite da uvijek date najbolje od sebe. Ako ste bolesni, odmarajte, ako ste ludi za stvaranjem uzmite svoj fotić/ kist/ mašinu za šivanje i krenite. ''Go with the flow.'' ili ''Idite kako ide.''. Ono zna. More ljubavi, S. 

U današnjem postu, divna mlada dama: Ilka Elise B, bacite pogled na njezin blog: Ilkaeliseb.com

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